PROJECT: ceci n’est pas une maison
LOCATION: kolonaki , athens 10673
AREA: 132m2
STATUS: completed, february 2019
DESIGNED BY: studiomateriality
LEAD DESIGNER: Miltos Kontogiannis
DESIGN TEAM: Nancy Karagianni, Sevastiana Konstaki, Dimitris Siokis
VIDEO: Xenofon Vardaros
TEXT: Gaia Deligianni
“ceci n’ est pas une maison”.
Studiomateriality redesigns a 3rd floor flat in Kolonaki, Athens. Inspired by the René Magritte painting and its surreal and playful vibe, a residential flat is designed as it was a museum using the factor of surprise in all possible ways. Each room is named under the theme it reflects. We like to think of every space in the flat as a separate piece of art without compromising on functionality. All wallpapers, carpets and upholstery are made by textures inspired from well-known museum spaces, enhancing the original “museum” concept. The traditional perception of urban habitation is challenged by using provocative materials and furniture. Decorative objects and printed words reinforce this ‘modus operandi’, while mirror reflections amplify the illusion of the house-museum dipole. A white metal thread acts as a metaphorical way finding element. It crosses the main spaces, connecting the flat’s entrance with its windows whilst shaping a minimal artwork at the ceiling.
Ring the doorbell and experience the artworks:
- Beef Wellington undressed
- Aphrodite of Luck
- Raffled Library
- The Triumph of Philippe
- The Holy Light
- The Love Eaters
- Just a Kitchen
- Mirror Stage
- Pentelic Monument
- A/W00
- The Dream of a transparent man
Exit through the gift shop.